Please contact awardsteam@markallengroup.com if you have any further questions.

How to Enter

Our extended entry deadline is Friday 23rd August 2024 at 11:55pm.

Any organisations or individuals who meet our category criteria can enter the awards.

Our awards are open to UK applicants only. International entries will not be put forward for judging.

There is no cost associated with entering the awards.

Please submit one entry to represent one individual/resource/initiative/project in a single category. Nominating the same individual/resource/initiative/project in different categories is not permitted.

Multiple entries by different parties nominating one person/company will not affect the outcome of the results.

Yes, although their permission must be obtained and evidence of this shown. You will be asked to provide contact details of a senior person at the organisation or the individual in question.

Projects/services/teams or individuals previously entered into the awards may be submitted for this year's awards, provided it can be evidenced that further improvements to performance have been achieved since the last submission.

Once your entry has been submitted, it cannot be cancelled from your profile directly. If you wish to withdraw your entry for any reason, such as no longer being eligible for a category or a change in your circumstances (e.g., change of jobs), please send an email to awardsteam@markallengroup.com. We will gladly assist you in the process of un-submitting your entry.

The entry form includes several questions, each with a specified word limit. While optional, supporting material may be submitted alongside your form responses. This additional material is intended to enhance and provide further context to the information you have already provided.

Supporting material may include, but is not limited to:

        - Photographs

        - Company/school logo

        - Testimonials

        - PDF documents

        - Video (a field is available in the form to share links to video content)

Whilst we value and appreciate supporting material that can aid the judges in their evaluation process, we kindly request that such documents be limited to a reasonable amount. Please note that each file upload field can upload a single file that is worth up to 40MB.

For all our categories,  physical evidence is not required to accompany your submission. All your evidence can be uploaded to your entry on our online portal.

If you are writing your entry in Word to then paste into our online portal, please note that Microsoft Word counts words differently from the web. For instance, it ignores bullet points which are counted online, so your word count may differ. If you have trouble copying your answers into our online entry form, try removing formatting such as bullet points. If that doesn't work, please reach out to on: awardsteam@markallengroup.com.

If you are having any issues with using our online entry portal, please contact awardsteam@markallengroup.com and we will be happy to assist.


Once you have submitted your entries they will be processed by the awards team, ready for judging. Judging takes place in October and the shortlist will be announced shortly after.

The judges for the Music and Drama Education awards are typically selected from a diverse group of experts and practitioners in the fields of music and drama education. They may include academics, industry professionals, artists, teachers, and administrators with relevant experience and qualifications.

The specific identities of the judges may vary depending on the year and the category of the awards. However, their main role is to evaluate the nominees based on the established criteria and determine the winners of the awards.

The aim of the awards is to recognise excellence, innovation and impact. The judges will be looking for examples of excellent projects, services, teams, and individuals. For the best chance of submitting a successful entry, it is best to be concise, clear and to the point in each answer to the entry questions.

The judges are mainly looking at your written answers to formulate their decisions. It is crucial to write all the relevant necessary information for them to be aware of within your submission. This is so that our judges have a full picture of the project/service/team or individual that is being put forward for one of our awards.

Preventing bias in the judging process is crucial to ensure a fair and equitable evaluation of all entries.

The judges must sign an NDA.

Here are some of the strategies we use to minimise bias:

        - Anonymous judging to help eliminate any unconscious bias.

        - A diverse judging panel to ensure a broad range of perspectives.

        - Clear criteria to help judges assess entries on their merits rather than personal preferences.

        - Training and guidance on how to recognise and avoid bias in the judging process.

        - Review process to ensure fair and consistent judging.

        - To ensure impartiality in the judging process, individuals with vested interest in an entry are to be excluded from evaluating that particular submission.

By implementing these strategies, the assessment process is conducted in a fair and objective manner, ensuring that all entries are evaluated on their merits.


The full shortlist will be published on this website in October.

The Ceremony

The timings for the ceremony are as follows:

18:30 VIP drinks reception

18:45 Drinks reception

19:30 Dinner

21:15 Awards ceremony

22:30 Networking opportunity

00:00 Carriages

** Please note these timings are subject to change

Attending the Music and Drama Education Awards can offer several benefits.

Here are a few reasons why your organisation or an individual should consider attending:

1. Recognition and Validation: Winning or even being a finalist for a Music and Drama Education Award can bring significant recognition and prestige to your organisation and to you as an individual. This can help you enhance your brand reputation, increase your visibility within the industry and it serves as external confirmation of your achievements and skills in the field of music and drama.

2. Networking Opportunities: The awards ceremony brings together a diverse group of professionals, industry experts, and fellow artists in the music and drama community. Attending the event provides an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, and industry influencers. Building connections can open doors to new collaborations, ideas, job opportunities, and valuable relationships within the industry.

3. Exposure and Publicity: The Music and Drama Education Awards often attract media attention and coverage. Being a part of the awards ceremony can significantly increase an individual's visibility and exposure to a wider audience, including industry professionals, critics, and potential fans. This exposure can lead to increased opportunities for performances, auditions, and other career-enhancing prospects.

4. Motivation and Inspiration: The anticipation and excitement surrounding the awards can serve as a powerful motivator. Individuals and organisations who participate in the awards ceremony often find renewed inspiration and determination to pursue their artistic passions. Witnessing the talent and creativity of others can ignite fresh ideas and aspirations, further fuelling their artistic journey.

Remember, the benefits of attending the Music and Drama Education Awards extend beyond just winning. The experience itself can be valuable, providing opportunities for growth, recognition, and connection within the music and drama community.

You may purchase individual seats and tables for the awards ceremony on our website after the shortlist has been announced.

Please note that invoicing is not available as a payment option.

The Music and Drama Education Awards 2025 ceremony will take place on Thursday 30th January 2025 at The Royal National Hotel, London.

Table bookings will be available once the shortlist has been announced.

The dress code is black tie attire.

Complimentary tickets are not offered to our finalists. All tickets will need to be purchased via our website.

Please be advised that photographs and video will be taken at this event.

By participating in this event, you acknowledge and grant the event organizers full rights to use the resulting images and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for visual presentation, social media, or marketing purposes related to the event or future events organised by the Mark Allen Group.

By entering the event premises, you waive any rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with the use of these materials.

Please note that entries may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date.

For table and seat bookings at the awards ceremony, written cancellations received 6 weeks prior (by 19th December 2024) will be accepted and a refund of 90% of the booking fee will be provided.

Please note that after this date, refunds will no longer be available. By completing a booking, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions.

Please click here to read our terms and conditions in full.


Please contact our sponsorship team to discuss how you can get involved in 2025 and be part of the most prestigious awards for Music and Drama Education.

To discuss your options, please contact:

Amy Driscoll

020 7333 1719


For more information please visit our sponsorship page here: Click here